NCAA Eligibility FAQ
The NCAA established the NCAA Eligibility Center to certify the student-athletes’ eligibility and support secondary institutions in this certification process.
Who should register?
Any student-athlete that is interested in college-athletics at the NCAA Division I or Division II level must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center.
When should student-athletes register?
Student-athletes should begin the registration process during the spring of their junior year of HS.
How do student-athletes register?
Interested and eligible student-athletes may register online with the NCAA Eligibility Center.
What are the requirements?
- Division I and Division II athletes must meet course requirements. A full list of acceptable HS courses is available below.
- Division I athletes must have a core course 2.3 GPA. Division II athletes must have a core course 2.2 GPA.
- Test score requirements for Division I and Division II athletes are determined using a sliding scale that takes into account the student-athletes' GPA. More information can be found below.
Students-athletes are responsible for meeting ALL required testing requirements and paying any related fees. High School counselors can assist students with transcript requests and other related documentation.